Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Iago Character Analysis - 1141 Words

William Shakespeares Othello is a play that mostly revolves around jealousy, trust and revenge. Throughout most of Shakespeares plays, evil characters are not uncommon, but in my own opinion, Iago has to be one of Ââ€" if not the most - interesting. Even though Iago might be described by some as being just pure evil or even intolerable, the truth still remains that people will read deeper into the play just to see what Iago will do next. Through his words and actions, which are carefully thought out, Iago is able to manipulate others for his personal benefit. Not only that, but he also manipulates people to get him closer to his goals. He is no doubt the driving force of the play, pushing Othello and everyone else towards the tragic†¦show more content†¦He figures this will make Cassio lose his position as Lieutenant, thereby making him the new Lieutenant. Cassio falls for the trick, fights Roderigo, and loses his position. This leaves Iago with what he wanted all along- which is to be Lieutenant. With all of Iagos actions throughout the play, it is clear to see not only is he evil, but he has no conscience. As the play unfolds, Iago constantly lies and deceives people. From his wife, to his friends, it doesnt matter. In just about every scene of the play, one can point out his deception or scheme. In one scene, Iago actually tricks Othello into believing that Desdemona, his own wife, is having an affair with Cassio. Then he ironically warns Othello about jealousy: O, beware my lord of jealousy; It is the green eyed monster which doth mock The meat it feeds on (3.3, 165-167) and manages to convince Othello without any concrete proof, which is amazing. After this, Othello is so filled with rage and caught up in Iagos lies that he refuses to believe Desdemona when she denies everything. Othello knows that he cant let her live knowing that he has been ridiculed: But alas, to make me the fixed figure for the time of scorn. To point his slow unmoving finger at! (4.2, 53-55) Since he cant live in such a role, he murders Desdemona. At this point, much credit has to be given to Iago - even if people dont like him. His manipulative power, which gives him the ability to bendShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Of Iago1870 Words   |  8 Pagesbe most drawn to Iago. His eccentricity and borderline sociopathy is enough to draw the eye of any trained professional. Iago would quickly be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. There is an extremely long list of traits that Iago has that prove this disorder is something he has, with the main trait being manipulation. Throughout the entire play Iago is seen as the master of manipulation and does an incredible job at bending those around him to do his will. 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