Thursday, February 27, 2020

WSJ Article Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

WSJ Article Review - Essay Example nd ambition (Fairclough, 2009)† in China represents purchasing power and the fittest customer profile that comprises Ford’s strategy in the country. â€Å"Mei,† as the marketing executives coined this group, means beautiful in Chinese. According to the article, Mei is comprised of the â€Å"twenty-something, college-educated single women (Fairclough).† Furthermore, Mei â€Å"earns 880 to $1,500 a month and wants her first car (Fairclough).† The point of view of the target market â€Å"Mei† is showcased by the individual answers of the members of the target market when asked about their lifestyle. â€Å"Mei’s† stance on living and her view of herself is coined by these answers from the members of the target market. This article is very important to marketing management as it highlights the marketing practices of organizations. By showing certain organizations take the theory and put into real life situations, results can be evaluated afterward in order to strengthen the theories that the company has used. Targeting is shown in the article as the company chooses â€Å"Mei† and coins her into a certain group comprising the same demographics and psychographics which are likely to purchase the product. The logic of choosing the target market first, then probing their lifestyle and knowing them well through consumer research such as Ford’s immersion event is shown in relation to the crafting of appropriate marketing communications plan in order to build a position in the target market’s mind. The article incorporates contemporary trends of marketing that links between consumer behavior through research, marketing strategy, branding and integrated marketing communication in fulfillment of a corporate objective for the company. The logic of the article can be traced back to looking for the right target market, where Ford has chosen â€Å"Mei.† Then, by doing innovative consumer research such as the immersion event apart from the pluralistic researches that

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Physics Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Physics - Speech or Presentation Example (6 marks) Where h1 and h2 refer to elevation of fluid, P1 and P2 pertain to pressures experienced by the fluid which vary inversely as the speed of the fluid given either by v1 or v2. Ï  stands for the density of the fluid and Bernoulli’s equation is basically a statement of conservation of energy (relating the pressure energy, PE, and KE of a perfect fluid) that applies to conditions along a streamline. (b) An aircraft has a mass of 4.0 Ãâ€" 104 kg and is in steady level flight. The area of each wing is 25 m2 and the speed of the air just below the wing is 280 m s−1. Calculate the speed of the air just above the wing. The density of air is 1.2 kg m−3. (5 ½ marks) A toboggan (A) of mass 35 kg slides down an icy slope which makes an angle of 20 ° with the horizontal (Figure 2). The toboggan starts from rest, travels a distance of 15 m down the slope after which the slope levels out to horizontal and the toboggan immediately collides with a second toboggan (B) of mass 25 kg. The coefficient of sliding friction between a toboggan and the icy surface is 0.24 and air resistance is negligible. c) After the collision both toboggans are moving with velocities that are in the same direction that toboggan A was moving immediately before the collision, and the speed of toboggan A is 1.4 m s−1. Calculate the speed of toboggan B immediately after the collision. (3 marks) A trainee pilot is on a flour-bombing exercise. He is aiming to hit a target on the ground which is 15 m in diameter whilst he is flying at a speed of 45 m s−1 at a height of 98 m. Air resistance is negligible and the pilot maintains a steady speed in a straight line that passes directly over the target. Obviously, the time it takes for the flour bomb to hit the ground would be lessened since the height is in direct proportion to the square of time. Similarly, the distance from the point above the target would be